12-Min. Upper Body
Quick Workouts (Under 25 Min.)
This fast but effective workout is perfect for those days you have little time to workout, but you can also add this class to any other workout on NVP Studio for a longer workout!
Up Next in Quick Workouts (Under 25 Min.)
10-Min. Upper Body with Ankle Weights
I love quick workouts for those days that you have very little time and this is exactly that kind of workout! In just 10-min. you will feel your arms burn and if you have extra time make sure to repeat the workout again an extra time! Have fun!
22-Min. Core and Glutes
Glutes and core on fire! You will need a loop band for this workout, but if you don’t have one, you can use ankle weights or just your own body weight. Have fun!
8-Min. Express Glutes
This quick glutes class is perfect for those days you have very little time to workout, but this class is also perfect to combine with any other NVP Studio workout! Add some ankle weights for and extra burn!